live perana fish
Ummm, well, you know, ummm, a schlong. I would really be curious how it got there in the first place...
Sea Men
A puffer fish!!
Bowling Ball. Not sure how it could get there....
A peanut! +5
haha this answer made me think of 'the sweetest thing' when she gets the guys doodle stuck in her mouth coz he has a penis ring, and it gets caught on her tonsils! hahah funny stuff... that is one thing i would not want to happen to me
A porcupine. Ow.
Detachable penis.
a chainsaw
a cactus. and for the record, i have never before ever tried to swallow a cactus. ever.
puffer fish
A fish hook.
The peanut butter logic in Peter Pan that was removed from the store shelves a while back.
A long piece of hair. Or an electrode like Naomi Watts choked on in The Ring.
A bone.....ner!
my foot. It seems to get in my mouth easily. Just hope it never slips that far.
Could you imagine if a printer was caught in your throat? It would be cool though, cause the paper would just come straight out of your mouf...........
a worm ewwwwww lolz
A small bird flapping its wings and pecking with its beak and scratching with its claws. I don't even know if this innocent answer has any sexual innuendos or not. This is a health conditions category item.
A champagne bottle cork :)
A mothball. lol
bostjan the adequate 🥉
What on earth are you doing when that is the first thing to come to mind?! -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Not exactly, the world is full of retards. Therefore, consider my answer a reminder. LOL
an angry wolverine
a fishbone
Lit firecrackers.
Mike Tyson's fist.
A troll.
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