I usually mix them. They seem to have fewer spots that way.
No I mix them up. +5
Yes I do , OCD I think.
Not just that. Little spoons with little spoons, big spoons with big spoons. Same with forks. Knives are seperated as dinner knives and steak knives. It's my only OCD thing, I swear.
I do not sort my silverware in the dishwasher.
No, I just put the silverware in the silverware tray and wherever it lands, that's where it stays.
Mix them up. The last thing you want to happen is for, say, all the spoons to settle in a neatly stacked position where the hot water jets cannot clean the surfaces sandwiched between them.
No, I have a utensil holder with eight sections so I start by putting one utensil in each section. When I run out of space I start doubling up to keep them evenly spaced. It doesn't matter to me if a spoon ends up with a fork.
I mix them all up.
I mix them up, im way to lazy to try be neat about it!
I try to.
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