• This is a Dec 2008 interview with a Somali pirate. He answers your question. Pretty interesting
  • Up until recently no one has given them any opposition and they have been free to act like punks on a street corner, robbing anybody that happens to come along. Personally, I think it's time to put an end to them, and squash them like the bugs that they are.
  • Do you have any idea how truely HUGE the worlds oceans and seas are and how much shipping traffic actually occurs?
  • Yes they are. With one shot from our main gun we could blow them out of the water. But of course we are hamstrung by the very principals that give us our greatest strengths. When we receive a report that a ship is being attacked by a pirate, we flash up the engines and scream to the rescue. When we arrive at the "scene of the crime" all we have is an innocent fishing boat with no sign of "pirates". Of course the innocent fishing boat matches the description of the pirates to a tee, and when you first approached the ship the crew were observed tossing stuff over the side, but a thorough search of the ship reveals no sign of pirate like paraphernalia. Maybe there are one or two somewhat suspicious documents but what can you do. The stuff thrown over the side 'could' have been just regular trash or something else but how could you prove it in an international court. When it comes down to it... we, as the "good guys" will always be constrained by the rules we operate under, while the "bad guys" have no use for the rules. But then again isn't that the price we decided to pay in order to wear the white hats. Hope this helps.
  • Seems to me that in the case of American freighters, the shipping companies might be less than responsive by not having more security on board. Don't want to cut into profits too much by paying for militia. As far as the pirates, I have heard that most were simple working people who could no longer earn a living that support their families. People do desperate things during desperate times..... although I think a thug is a thug, I think I might have an ounce of empathy for people who have so little resources at their disposal.
  • Cap'n Jack Sparra!! He can do anything! He wasan absolutely Brilliant sea captain, and capable of Hijacking your underwear if you let him!
  • Since there are so many small fishing vessels out there, there is no way to tell before hand which ones are pirates untill it's too late. Then they got hostages.

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