• Getting ready to meet a client I had tv on in my front room with vol down n music playing when I saw news flash come up Meeting with client certianly went differently we just watched the news
  • I was at recess
  • I was in my 10 grade 1st period math class when the whole school got an announcement to come to the auditorium. The principal made an announcement and they had the projection screen on CNN.
  • I was in a grocery store in florida.
  • Kicked Off??? Do you mean when the twin towers were attacked? Bad choice of words.
  • Sitting on the Sofa listening to the radio with the TV on but the volume was off. At first I wasn't paying attention and like bush a bit confused as to what was happening untill the second plane hit; that's when I exclaimed BIN LADEN! (few knew who Bin Laden was on 9-10-2001, but my intuition was right)
  • At my daughter's (in the UK). Her neighbour was there as well, and the TV was on, with the sound turned down. Then, when the first pictures started, we saw the second plane hit. We continued to watch. The neighbour said that the buildings would collapse, and I said they would not, because they had been designed to withstand this kind of shock. Not long after, the first building came down. :(
  • On a Nile River cruise, 750 miles south of Cairo.
  • i was at school, in plymouth uk, but i was only 11, and nothing much was said about it during actual school, it was only when i heard it on the radio after school that i realised.
  • i was working on Little Gaparilla buddy called and said planes were crashing one was in the house i was working on so i turned on the tv and saw what was happening.when i realized where it was i panicked because my brother in law works in the Merril Lynch building.i tied to call her because they live in Connecticut and she goes into the city to visit him.i could not get her to answer the phone so i was really starting to panic.i started praying for everyone and felt that peaceful feeling you get when the Lord is telling you that he feels your pain because they are his children.
  • I was at college at the time. Didn't know a thing until i got home and saw it on the TV. Think the 1st tower had gone as i arrived home. One of the scariest days ever!
  • I was stationed in Norfolk VA and I was sitting in the shop on my ship which was anchored at the pier just getting off of duty from the night before. As the new duty section came in we were all watching the news on the TV and saw it happening from the beginning. That afternoon we were just outside of New York harbor as a backup triage ship. Then we came back to home port had a few hours to grab our stuff and we left for Afghanistan
  • Working on a job at an airport.
  • in class. i had just walked into science class and the teacher had to news on the tv.
  • i was sitting in my 3rd grade classroom wondering why people were being taken out of school
  • I worked second shift at the time, so I had just woken up, turned on the TV and there it was. It was before either tower had collapsed. I remember the newscasters discussing and speculating on the cause, unaware for a few moments that we the viewers, were watching the building come down. I yelled at the TV as if I could alert them to what was happening. I also remember using the word "idiots" far too many times that day.
  • I was laying on the sofa with my very premature daughter, who had just come home 5 days earlier, laying on my chest watching Good Morning America. They broke in with a news flash, and were interviewing people on the phone that had seen or heard it. I remember very vividly, they were talking to one of their news guys on the street who said that he has traveled into all kinds of war zones and it was, without question, the sound of a missile and not a plane. Then as we were watching damage from the first plane, the second plane fly in. It was that second that it all became a realization as to what had happened. I certainly wasn't thinking "terrorist attack", but that the first hit was also a plane.
  • Still asleep as the ti9me difference.
  • Pakistan!
  • I was at work when the news broke & we were all in disbelief!
  • i was at work when it happend, at my desk
  • i was a freshman in high school and we were sitting in english class.... the teacher turned it on.... it was after they had fallen and everything but they just kept showing all of this horrible footage over and over again.. it was awful
  • I was working in a library in Bonn, Germany. As it was broadcast live, I watched it on TV, shocked and angry.
  • i had just came home from work and turned on the TV, to what i thought was a movie, only to realize that it was real
  • at home, watching it on tv in horror and disbelief.
  • I was off work ill (as I am now coincidently), and lying on the sofa idly flicking through the channels when I landed on a news channel, which I then remained on for most of the rest of the day.
  • I was in NH, driving to work. My car didn't have a working radio at the time so I didn't know. When I arrived, the radio was blaring and my manager told me that a plane had hit one of the towers. I thought he was making some sort of bizarre joke and told him I didn't get the joke. Then I actually heard the news over the radio and I suddenly felt very cold.
  • I was only 6 years old and I thought we were watching a movie because my whole family was sitting down in the living room and everybody was crying and panicking saying scary things. It was horrible my mom said that after this event there would be a nucleur war and many other things and the outside of my house there was a disturbing silence and the air had pieces of ashes flying around.
  • Getting ready for dad called as I was getting out of the shower and asked me to turn on the tv and find out what was going on...I turned it on just before the second plane hit...

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